‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community

‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community

 ‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Unidos en Compasión is one such group. ...
TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund

TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund

TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund   We don’t have to tell you about the devastating loss our community suffered Easter Sunday night – you’ve seen the pictures and read the stories.  One of my friends suffered a triple loss Easter Sunday – had his house completely...
COVID Business Operations

COVID Business Operations

CORONAVIRUS OFFICE HOURS AND GRANT-PAYING PROCESS The Generosity Trust has moved to remote operations during this protracted season of isolation.  Employees are working from home and remaining in close contact with each other during normal business hours. We remain...
Howard High School Baseball

Howard High School Baseball

          Howard High School Baseball impact of our funds   Once considered “the most neglected” baseball field in the county, the field at Howard High is now cared for and cared about by many throughout the City of Chattanooga. All this...