Our History

Aunt Dora: Where It All Began


The story of The Generosity Trust is the story of a Christian woman with a bold vision: to be extraordinarily generous with the financial resources God had entrusted to her. Dora Maclellan Brown, affectionately known as Aunt Dora, served on the Board of her family’s private foundation and encouraged them in a letter “to always remember the definitely Christian faith.” Using proceeds earned through her family business, she started her own foundation that would become The Generosity Trust. Her letter has become a guiding principle for our outreach.

Today, The Generosity Trust (TGT) carries forward Aunt Dora’s vision more than 50 years later. We advance the cause of Christ by magnifying the joyful generosity of Christians. While continuing to make grants and provide seminary scholarships in memory of our founder, we are primarily a donor-driven foundation that provides funds and services to simplify charitable giving for generous Christians.

The legacy of Aunt Dora remains central to our work today as we begin serving a third generation of donors. We partner with people who want to be generous with their financial resources and leave a legacy for years to come.


Stories of Giving

“Knowing that my education would be paid for by the Generosity Trust, our finances would not be depleted, and our future is in His hands is overwhelming. TGT’s support is the absolute cornerstone for our life in ministry.”

Jimmy Latham

Dora Maclellan Brown Ministry Scholarship Recipient


345 Frazier Ave., Unit 205
Chattanooga, TN 37405



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