Considerations on the Transfer of Donor-Advised Funds

Considerations on the Transfer of Donor-Advised Funds

Considerations on the Transfer of Donor-Advised Funds As our world changes around us, there are ramifications for business and philanthropy. Let’s paint a brief picture. Carter and Sandy Goodfellow hand-picked a biblically based financial advisor some 20-odd years...
Donor-Advised Funds: What makes our Giving Fund distinct?

Donor-Advised Funds: What makes our Giving Fund distinct?

Donor-Advised Funds: What makes our Giving Fund distinct? Data shows an increasing interest in Donor-Advised Funds. At The Generosity Trust, we have seen a constant increase in the number of new donors and in the overall amount of money being contributed to...
Alpha Funds: Jumpstarting New Causes

Alpha Funds: Jumpstarting New Causes

Alpha Funds: Jumpstarting New Causes People like to move fast when it comes to solving problems in their community. As issues arise, individuals come up with ideas to tackle them. It is important for organizational leaders to maintain momentum and raise the funds...
Refer a Friend to Start a Donor-Advised Fund

Refer a Friend to Start a Donor-Advised Fund

Refer a Friend to Start a Donor-Advised Fund  At The Generosity Trust (TGT), our mission is to empower Christian generosity, and we want to help you empower your loved ones to live generously as well!  That’s why beginning October 1, the first five new referrals that...
‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community

‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community

 ‘Unidos en Compasión:’ Blessing the Chattanooga Latino Community Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Unidos en Compasión is one such group. ...
TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund

TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund

TGT’s Disaster Relief Fund   We don’t have to tell you about the devastating loss our community suffered Easter Sunday night – you’ve seen the pictures and read the stories.  One of my friends suffered a triple loss Easter Sunday – had his house completely...