Young Givers Circle in Action

A visit to a local grantee: Loves’ Arm Outreach serving survivors of human trafficking.
It all started with one simple question: “What is your greatest need right now?” asked Tyler Haar, a founding member of The Generosity Trust’s Young Givers Circle.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Chrissy Holland, Survivor Services Manager, knew exactly what was needed at Rahab’s Rest, one of two local residences overseen by Love’s Arm. She had already done her homework and had the estimate in hand. “We have $16,000 worth of plumbing repairs in the upstairs bathroom, including ceiling repairs in the common area below,” said Holland. The problem was immediate and there wasn’t $16,000 in their budget.
Thanks to Young Givers, it was a problem quickly resolved without Love’s Arm having to pay a single dime.
Soon after the need was shared, creative solutions immediately began to flow among the members of Young Givers Circle, a group of community-minded leaders under the age of forty who combine their monthly contributions for greater impact. Instead of their quarterly Lunch & Learn at The Generosity Trust, the members visited Rahab’s Rest to learn about the impact of their 2022 grant. As a result, Love’s Arm was doubly blessed, thanks to their knowledge of local resources.
Member Involvement and Community Connections
Each member of Young Givers has a heart for generosity, giving $50 a month individually so that they can collectively give $5,000 a quarter to a local non-profit. Most are involved in their churches and other organizations and can access community resources with a phone call or a text.
“I had attended a meeting at church at the beginning of the year and heard that Men’s Renew was looking for service projects,” said Morgan Maclellan, who attends Calvary Chapel Chattanooga. Men’s Renew is a residential program for men in recovery. The program includes skilled carpenters and handymen who are honored to use their talents to help others. Renew is a discipleship ministry designed to break destructive patterns, helping their residents heal from past hurt while cultivating a healthy community through the life-changing word of God and a personal relationship with Jesus. They are geared to serve, and they did just that for the residents of Rehab’s rest.
Networking at its finest
“Our residents who use that bathroom were good-natured when we informed them that they would have to shower in other parts of the house until we could raise money for the repair. They knew it could take months,” said Inza Hagins-Dyer, Executive Director of Love’s Arms. “The Young Givers stepped in and within 24 hours of seeing the damage, a crew of volunteers from Men’s Renew was dispatched, and the repair was made at no cost to Love’s Arm. No cost. This repair can be crossed off the list of our many needs. It is such a meaningful example of how our prayers are answered by faithful supporters time and time again,” stated Hagins-Dyer.
Love’s Arm is a small organization that completely relies on private donations to provide hope and healing for survivors of trafficking. For this ministry, $16,000 was a daunting amount of money and they were considering a capital campaign to raise the funds. They are grateful for the compassion and ingenuity of the Young Givers Circle and the resources at Men’s Renew of Calvary Chapel. Networking at its finest – inspired by generosity.