A giving circle hosted by
The Generosity Trust
345 Frazier Ave, Unit 205
Chattanooga TN 37405
Our Intent: The Young Givers Circle is a place to practice generosity, not a place to fundraise.
Grant Application Process
Process and Preferences
– Applications may be received from area non-profits, churches, and ministries that directly impact the needs of our community, as long as their mission is not antithetical to TGT’s Christian beliefs.
– Applications should focus on either a tangible need for a one-time project or a specific operational need, as stated in the application.
– Applications are due quarterly with dates scheduled annually.
– TGT will email all applications to the Leadership Team one week before their meeting.
– The Leadership Team meets quarterly by zoom to review the applications; they select three applicants to make presentations to the members of the Giving Circle. One grantee is chosen quarterly.
– TGT will email the selected applications to all members of the Giving Circle before their meeting.
– Selected grantees may be asked to attend a future Lunch & Learn to share information about their project and its impact.
– Funded grantees must wait one year to reapply.
– The preferred budget for applying organizations is less than $1MM.
– Faith-based organizations are encouraged to apply; however, the giving circle will consider any non-profit that meets TGT guidelines.
Voting Guidelines
– Members of the Giving Circle are asked to disclose any conflicts of interest, specifically if they are employed (receiving payment of any kind) or serve on the board of any organization applying for a grant. In Zoom meetings, “Chat” should be used for disclosure.
– If the Giving Circle member is employed or on the Board of a submitting organization, the following applies:
- Giving Circle members will not be involved in any discussion of the application/grant decisions.
- Giving Circle members and/or their spouse will recuse themselves from voting on that application and will leave the room when the vote is taken.
– No proxy votes should be allowed for any Giving Circle member at any time.
– Rating of each application is based on merit. Considerations are as follows:
Does the project…
- Make an impact on the City of Chattanooga?
- Ensure that the “heart of the gift” is a direct impact on humanity?
- Meet specific needs through an area 501(c)(3)?
- Young Givers Circle does not fund event sponsorship.
Revised 10.2024
345 Frazier Ave., Unit 205
Chattanooga, TN 37405
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