Compassion-Inspired Generosity
Spring 2020 was like no other in memory. “Un-” words such as “uncertainty,” “unprecedented,” and “unknown” have been on the tips of our tongues for months. Even now, toward to end of summer, none of us knows what to expect when our feet hit the ground each morning. Yet, at The Generosity Trust (TGT), we know that God is sovereign. We know that His Love is ever-lasting. And we know that our donors are showing compassion-inspired generosity. Our donors understand that many in our community are hurting, and they have responded by increasing their grant-making to the ministries helping those in need. It’s that spirit of generosity that has helped to bridge the gap between despair and hope.
Helping each other during these crises has provided hope throughout our city. Churches prepared and delivered food to people displaced by the tornado well into the summer. Ministries continue to assist families struggling to pay rent and utilities, and to provide food and supplies to others in need. It’s about giving hope to those in despair. I find myself holding on the words in Hebrews 10:23. “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” You, as the Christian community, have been faithful. You have shown compassion for others. You have come alongside those in great need. You have given generously. Thank you.
I often try to look at Jesus through the eyes of those He helped. He never waved His arms over the masses, healing them en masse (although He certainly could have). He instead took the time to speak with, and hold, and look into the eyes of each person He healed. Many of these people were outcasts – they hadn’t felt a human’s love (or the Father’s touch) in a long time. He restored dignity and hope and joy to people desperate to know that someone cared.
When we look for ministry partners for COVID and Disaster Relief outreach, we look for ministries and churches which see people the same way that Jesus did: people in need of a touch from the Savior. Our partners must meet people at their point of need, endeavor to meet that need, and use that interaction as a springboard to share the Gospel of Christ with them. Remember: every person whom Jesus healed eventually passed away (even Lazarus – again!) And if they passed away without taking advantage of the opportunity to receive eternal life, then, truthfully, Jesus’ healing of them was in vain.
As you evaluate your giving, look for those ministries and churches who unapologetically and unashamedly (more “un-” words!) hold forth the banner of Christ. At TGT, we make no apologies for this; it’s who we are.
We are proud to partner with you, our faithful friends, and provide this report on COVID and Disaster Relief giving. Through our GeneroCity COVID Fund, our TGT Disaster Relief Fund, and the combined efforts of dozens of Donor-Advised Fund holders, TGT has been able to invest over $250,000 into ministries and churches responding to those in need. The overwhelming majority of these grants stayed in Chattanooga – our home. That’s a great thing – meeting the needs of those closest to us.
Thank you for the privilege of serving you, serving our great city, and serving our Great God. We are thankful to all who are showing God’s love and compassion to others.
In gratitude,
Jim Barber
345 Frazier Ave., Unit 205
Chattanooga, TN 37405
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