Stepping into Generosity 2024 Grantees

East Lake Expression Engine – Executive Director: Libby O’Neil

Founded in 2014, East Lake Expression Engine provides discipleship through high-quality music education and internships for underserved students in the East Lake area – a diverse neighborhood with 45% of households below the poverty line. Its mission is to develop in each student creativity, discipline, problem-solving/social skills, and spiritual maturity – all through musical instruction and collaboration in a gospel-centered environment. The K-12 program is free of charge and meets after school throughout the Fall and Spring terms, as well as during a seven-week summer camp. Classes are offered in choir, bucket band, and 10 different instruments. Students ages 14 and up can become paid interns, learning transferable skills while continuing their studies. The gospel is shared through music classes, worship, and Bible studies, as the staff builds meaningful relationships with students and families.

Our Request:

With your support, we will provide professional recordings of original music written and performed by students over the last ten years.  We will give each student a physical copy of their recorded music. The intrinsic benefit to each student will be the educational experience of the recording process. Students will learn recording skills and spend time in a studio – a new experience! The recordings will also be used to share the impactful story of our ministry with our community partners and funders.

Isaiah 1:17 House – Executive Director: John Hunter

Isaiah House opened in Chattanooga in the Fall of 2023 on the campus of Chambliss Center for Children. It provides a comforting home where children who have been removed from their homes out of concern for their safety can wait in a pleasant environment for their placement in a foster home. There is no longer a need for children to go to the child welfare office where they may end up under a desk or on the floor against a wall. At Isaiah House, friendly and loving volunteers provide clean clothes, smiles, toys, and snuggly blankets – allowing children to receive care while child welfare staff can do the necessary paperwork and identify a good placement. In a nutshell, our program:

  • Reduces trauma for children awaiting placement.
  • Lightens the load for child welfare services.
  • Eases the transition for foster families.

Our Request:

Security is a priority for us, and your grant will make it possible. We are located on the Chambliss Center’s campus in a separate newly built home. There is a pressing need for us to connect with Chambliss’s security and communication systems. Often, there is information that we need quickly from Chambliss. Due to the service the center provides, there may be an emergency on campus or an unidentified person that we need to be notified about immediately.  We currently use cell phones for all communication. The grant funds will be used to drill an internet line from the Chambliss Center to Isaiah House. With this line, we will be able to get information to the house quicker in case of an emergency and save money by cutting our internet bill out of our budget. 

Love’s Arm Outreach- Executive Director: Inza Hagins-Dyer

Established in 2005, Love’s Arm Outreach is our area’s longest-serving organization that provides love, advocacy, and support for women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. Our focus: giving survivors a choice with a voice and hope for a life worth loving in a Christ-centered community of grace. Our program is for women throughout our community at all stages of recovery.  We connect regularly with women at Bible studies at Silverdale Detention Center, in strip clubs, on the streets, and through our two residential programs. Many are experiencing homelessness, have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, are pursuing addiction recovery, or have experienced incarceration. For those on the streets, we offer up to 30 days of safe housing, assessment, and initial treatment of their physical, emotional, and mental health needs.  The next steps include addressing addiction and legal issues and helping plan for their future.

Our Request:

Help us purchase a used 8-passenger van in good condition and provide insurance costs for one year. The van will be used for our second residential home, Josephine’s House, to take residents to doctor’s appointments, counseling sessions, AA/NA meetings, the grocery store, and other needed services.


Neigh’tions – Executive Director: Emily Clegg

A Chattanooga-based ministry, Neigh’tions serves our city’s international population, many of whom are refugees.  Our mission is to love our neighbors from the nations and reach them with the love of Christ. We refer to the people we serve as neighbors.  Our programming is designed around the unique needs of those we serve and is created to invest in our neighbors through relationships – empowering them through education, connecting them to community resources, and disciplining them as the Lord leads. We provide transportation and childcare for those attending our weekly English classes. Our volunteers come alongside neighbors, often visiting their homes, or inviting them to theirs. We are all about neighborly activities: Rides to appointments. Assistance in daily tasks like understanding mail, completing applications, and errands. Relationships evolve into lasting friendships.  Mutual transformation occurs.

Our Request:

We need a 12-passenger van for the transportation of new immigrant families to English lessons, medical and social work appointments, and the grocery store, as well as to special events and social gatherings.

Young Ladies of Power, Executive Director: Joyce Watson

Young Ladies of Power is a Christian-based organization using biblical review and prayer sessions to introduce our young ladies to the body of Christ. Our program empowers girls between the ages of 4 and 18 to know their self-worth and to build self-confidence. Recruited by community contact, word of mouth, and media, the young ladies experience mentoring, enrichment opportunities, art programs, and group discussions. Our main goal is to create and uplift our girls by broadening their horizons and outlooks on life. We are here to guide and educate the girls on self-improvement, encouraging them to:

  • Value the opinion of others.
  • Never stop loving yourself or educating yourself.
  • Respect yourself so that others can and will respect you.
  • Focus on unity – there is power together.

Our Request:

We need a 15-plus passenger van to transport our girls to educational sites throughout the city, to participate in days of service, and to attend overnight retreats during school breaks.